100 Years of Mrinal Sen - Screening: Akaler Shandhaney/ In Search of a Famine (1980)

Event time: 
Friday, April 26, 2024 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Loria Center for the History of Art (LORIA) See map (link is external)
190 York Street
New Haven, CT 06511

Day Two of Three Day Event: Prof. Moira Fradinger and Suvij Sudershan of Yale University as well as Dr. Sanghita Sen of Northumbria University, UK, and Benjamin Conisbee Baer of Princeton University have come together to present an Indian film festival in celebration of radical Indian film maker Mrinal Sen’s centenary. This 3-day event will include a retrospective and a series of talks and conversations (among others with Kunal Sen, Mrinal Sen’s son and actress and filmmaker Suhasini Mulay). See event link for full details.