Treasures from the Yale Film Archive: The City of Your Final Destination with guests James Ivory & Peter Cameron

Event time: 
Friday, April 11, 2025 - 7:00pm to 9:30pm
Humanities Quadrangle (HQ) See map
320 York Street
New Haven, CT 06511

The City of Your Final Destination (James Ivory, 2009, 35mm, 117 mins)
Four in the Morning (James Ivory, 1953, DCP, 3 mins)
James Ivory and Peter Cameron in person! In the final narrative feature directed by Ivory—screening with his very first short—a graduate student travels to Uruguay to write the biography of a deceased author, and becomes entangled with the man’s family on their languid, crumbling, shared estate. Adapted from the novel by Cameron, the drama stars Anthony Hopkins, Laura Linney, Omar Metwally, and Charlotte Gainsbourg. 35mm print from the Yale Film Archive, DCP from the filmmaker.

The “Treasures from the Yale Film Archive” series is presented with support from Paul L. Joskow ’70 M.Phil., ’72 Ph.D.