Title IX: Through the Decades with Yale Women Student-Athlete Alumnae

Event time: 
Friday, October 14, 2022 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Yale University Art Gallery (YUAG) See map
1111 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06510

An event for the Yale Women’s Athletic Network 50th Celebration of Yale Women’s Sports.
Featuring Chris Ernst ’76 (Crew), Anne Warner ’77 (Crew), Pat Melton ’83 (Track & Field), Amy Gadsden ’94 (Squash), Kerry Docherty Faherty ’05 (Lacrosse), Ree Ree Li ’16 (Tennis)
Moderated by Susie Krentz ’80 (Basketball and Volleyball)
Contact: Eric Silakowski, eric.silakowski@yale.edu