The Fire That Took Her
A special screening of the critically acclaimed MTV documentary film The Fire That Took Her, at the Loria Center Auditorium on Wednesday, April 12.
The screening includes a talkback with director Patricia Gillespie, State Rep. Sarah Keitt, and other special guests. We thought you and others in your department might be interested in this event.
Date: Wednesday, April 12
Time: 7pm screening; 8:30pm panel
Location: Loria Center, 190 York Street, New Haven CT 06511
Executive produced by the legendary Sheila Nevins of MTV Documentary Films and the Oscar nominated team at Motto Pictures, THE FIRE THAT TOOK HER tells the story of precedent setting domestic violence advocate Judy Malinowski. In August of 2015, Judy was set on fire by her ex-boyfriend, Michael Slager, suffering injuries that would ultimately take her life. Slager was initially sentenced to only 11 years for his crime— for Judy this was not enough.
She spent the remaining two years of her life fighting for justice from her hospital bed. With the help of the Franklin County DA, Judy and her team managed to adapt a civil statute initially intended for mesothelioma victims to allow her to become the first woman to testify from beyond the grave, at the trial for her own murder.
The film also explores how criminal cases can help drive policy. Before her death, Judy helped to craft and campaign for Judy’s Law, a landmark piece of Ohio legislation that adds time to the sentences of attackers who intentionally disfigure their victims. Judy’s family hopes to take the law national, on a state by state basis, later this year.
Called “Unflinching…Startling and heartbreaking” by Natalia Winkelman of the New York Times and “Heroic, Heartbreaking and important” by Jared Mobarak of The Film Stage, THE FIRE THAT TOOK HER offers a unique insight into the criminal justice system from a rarely-seen victim’s point of view, exploring the distinct challenges facing survivors of intimate partner violence both at home and in a court of law.