The Afterlight: Film Screening & Discussion with Director Charlie Shackleton
British director Charlie Shackleton visits Yale for a screening and discussion of his new experimental feature film THE AFTERLIGHT, shown in conjunction with the Yale Film and Media Studies course “The Film Archive.” This film exists as just a single 35mm print, hand-delivered by Shackleton to every screening around the world. “Every time it screens,” Shackleton notes, “that lone print will further erode: a living record of its own life in circulation. Eventually it will deteriorate to nothing.” Compiled from fragments of hundreds of films, the assembled actors have one thing in common: none of them is still alive. THE AFTERLIGHT allows these performers to live again—however briefly—through these fragile traces of their work.
Due to Yale’s COVID-19 policy, in-person screenings are only open to asymptomatic members of the Yale community who are fully vaccinated (meaning they have received all recommended COVID-19 vaccines for their age range, including any boosters when eligible). Unvaccinated children and individuals with any type of COVID-19 vaccine exemption are not permitted to attend in-person Yale events at this time. All attendees must bring and wear an ASTM or N95-equivalent mask at all times in the screening room.